Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Episode 2 "The Grey"

January 15, 101P.A.

The three chosen riders; Jono, Hitsuguya, and Itzo, with Takeo venture out through the valley. The party travels for a few hours through the valley, just before they enter the forest they encounter a pack of wolves. They fight briefly, often failing to hit the nimble wolves. Then the party runs. The pack of wolves manages dismount Jono and they tear him apart. The other three riders escape. Itzo quits and returns to town, deeming the quest too dangerous. Hitsuguya suggests that they go about their journey in another way, and that they travel together. Takeo and Hitsuguya return to town and choose to pay a local fisher to sail them across the lake to the west. While on the ship Takeo sees his first dragon fly overhead. At the other end of the lake the fishermen give Takeo and Hitsuguya smoked fish rations and point them in the right direction.  Having bypassed the mountain valley, the road ahead of them seemed safest. Until they see a Japanese Imp in the middle of the road ahead of them. The son of a demon queller, rushes out to kill the imp when 4 more imps come out of hiding. The two humans begin the melee combat, exchanging blows with the imps. Despite Takeo's gift for killing demons and his best efforts to save Hitsuguya. the imps mangae to strike down Takeo's traveling companion. Takeo finishes of the imps and continues his journey alone. Finally arriving at another mountain range, Takeo continues through hiking for days until he arrives at a mostly empty village. The village is a the base of a long road leading further up the mountain, to a monastery with huge walls completely surrounding it.

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