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Photo Source: http://www.gamekult.com /blog/amana/139464/vocaloid-octoluka -9734takoluka-neo-spacian-aqua -vocaloid-la-menace-qui-vient -de-lespace-83.html |
April 19, 102 P.A.
A creature from the depths of the sea has been given a tasked with a quest to seek some way to defeat the Lord of the Deep. This creature is Kreesh, a Phema-Bioform Dolphin, an ocean wizard, a minstrel, and the best chance his home has of ridding themselves from the rule of the Lord of the Deep. Kreesh has always heard the old tale of the land, of it's New Empire and it's benevolent Emperor. It was said that long ago the Emperor had help Kreesh's home before, that combined with the power of the surface dwellers they wee able to defeat a great evil. Kreesh now hopes to track down this Emperor from his childhood tales and together they will defeat the Lord of the Deep. The elders of Kreesh's home have embedded him with a magic pearls that enhance his transformation abilities. Kreesh can change from dolphin to human as well as remain in a were-dolphin state in which he may use his dolphin abilities with out needing to remain hydrated. Wielding his Horune energy trident and kelp armor, Kreesh set out toward the Emperor's Palace.
Kreesh finds himself scaling up a mountain side near the peak he sees a demon locust. Keesh has no idea what it is and continues cautiously. The demon locust doesn't move. Kreesh has made it to the peak and sees the hole in the magic barrier, just like he had been told. After passing through the barrier Kreesh sees a wild looking human crouched on some very uncomfortable looking rocks. Kreesh decides to announce his presence and the human seems startled. They both seem to be pretty weary of each other. The human introduces himself, "I am Runick." The Dolphin does the same, "Kreesh." Runick gets around to talking about the magic barrier and the journey they are making. Kreesh says he just crossed it's right up top. Runick and Kreesh see a power armor land not to far from them and then take off again. They decide to walk toward it when Runick suggest it may be one of his party members.
The four party members that had gone back down the mountain decided if they hiked horizontally across the mountain a ways they may be able to avoid the demon locust all together. Trevor, using the power armor Oliver had helped him retrieve, flies Frank and Oliver up the mountain. On his second trip he brings Takeo. By the time he gets back from the second trip Runick and Kreesh have joined Frank and Oliver and had begun introductions. Kreesh sings a song of joy when he meets the party. mentions his quest and how he is going to see the Emperor. Takeo tells Kreesh the Emperor is evil and of the quest he has been on to kill demons and get out to the 5th ring, Kreesh won't believe the Emperor is evil. The other need to try to convince him. Finally Kreesh believes them and agrees to show them the way he came and help them defeat the Evil Emperor if need be. Only if they agree to help him find the Real Emperor and/or help him defeat the Lord of the Deep. The party agrees, they were planning on killing the evil emperor why not restore the rightful emperor.
Kreesh leads the party back up the mountain to the hole in the 2nd ring barrier at the peak. They then begin to travel down the mountain and encounter the other locust. The one Kreesh passed on his way here the others stop and tell Kreesh they can't pass with out being attacked. Runick casts water shield on Kreesh, so Kreesh turns into dolphin form in front of the party. Kreash and Runick go over to the locust and attempt to distract it, since it doesn't seem to want to attack either of them. Keesh begins singing to the locust while Runick hums off key. The locust doesn't seem amused but they manage to get its attention. The others prowl down the mountain past the locust line of sight as quickly as possible. While they are climbing down both Takeo and Oliver slip on the loose rocks and fall of the side of the mountain.
Frank uses his super telekinesis to catch Takeo and Oliver, and gradually sets them down on the ground. Trevor fires up the Power Armor and flies Frank down as he hold the other two with his super telekinesis. Once the rest of the party is flown down, they begin to follow the path that Kreesh took to get get here. They party begins to enter the woods beyond the base of the mountain when they encounter a small clan of 17 surra-kappa as they appear to be fleeing something. The party tries to ask them what the panic is, they explain they've been attacked by a large demon not native to Japan. And they only wish to go home, they need to return to the water, they claim. The party talks so long that a large balrog comes stomping through the woods. The balrog sees the party, "Who dares trespass on my land?" Takeo says, "I am Takeo Takahido Demon Queller." The balrog takes a step back (Horror Factor fail), "I've heard of you and your group of travelers. I thought you were in the 2nd ring. Wait til they know your here." and the balrog says an incantation and teleports away.
The surra-kappa lead the party back to the shoreline. Kreesh tells the party the the path through the 3rd ring barrier is out in the middle of the lake, and jumps in the water turning into a dolphin. Kreesh tells the party he senses predators. Runick parts waters, around the two aquatics demons the Kreesh was sensing, and crushes them with the force of the water when it's released. The rest of the party tell Kreesh they can't swim the whole way. Kreesh offers to build them a boat. Runick helps Kreesh with the boat, while the rest of the party spend some time trying to teach other some useful skills. As they wait a scouting party of four alu demon hounds comes up on the traveling adventures. Kreesh sees them an immediately begins to sing his song of joy. Three of the alu demon hounds are immediately repelled by the majestic harmony of this ocean wizard's song.
Kressh then takes his trident an spears the one brave alu demon hound through the head with such force, he stands there suspending the alu demon in the air hanging from his trident. The party gazes in awe, then quickly get into the finished boat and leave to avoid any other demons that may be summoned by the three that ran off. They go to the hole in the barrier, along the way Kreesh manages to scare off 4 aquatics demons with his song of joy. They party sails the boat through the 3rd magic barrier. Just as Kreesh told them before, they see a massive lake with no land near by. Kreesh tells them he will lead the way to the next barrier. As they are traveling the boat is attacked by a giant squid. It rams the boat and entangles it, threatening to sink it. Those in the party who can swim, jump in to fight the giant squid. hey defeat it, but not before it crushes in one side of the boat causing it to take on water. Kreesh holds up the boat as he swims it over to the nearest shore, which takes a couple hours. They arrive on shore and decide to camp for the night and try to repair the boat. They can't seem to find sufficient supplies to fix it.
In the morning they decide that the boat is good enough if Trevor will hold it up with the power armor as not to exhaust Kreesh, or leave him vulnerable. Trevor follows Kreesh to the magic barrier. Kreesh tells them here is where they must travel through a series of underwater caverns and tunnels to come out on the other side of the barrier. The party worries that they can't hold their breath long enough. Kreesh tells them there are caves with air pockets and even dry land along the way. The party thanks their luck, as many of them were taught a valuable magic spell by the monks (keepers of the air element) at the millennium tree monastery. Some of the party members learned an even more rare martial arts technique. The party pairs up swimmers with non-swimmers and they go underwater. The party travels trough three different tunnels stopping to recast and rest at the air pockets. They reach an under water cave and decide to camp for the day and recharge their magic essence. While camping the party begin to hear a very familiar scratching noise in the walls around them. Immediately Frank shouts, "Ghouls!" and the party arms themselves and prepare to fight. Kreesh begins to sing his magic song of joy. The scratching noises seem to stop. Kreesh tells the party he thinks that should keep them away for awhile.
When the party is rested they decide to continue, but first Keesh goes to scout out ahead. Hes finds three sharks down the path. He sings his song of joy and scares two of them away but one charges him. Keesh uses sonic blasts to kill the shark, then he goes back for the rest of the party. The party then puts their magic and swimming abilities to the test and push them to their limits. The party barely makes it out of the final stretch of underwater tunnel without drowning. Once on the other side of the 4th ring barrier the party swims to the nearest shore. Relieved to be above ground on land, the party decide to make camp on the shore line.
Kreesh finds himself scaling up a mountain side near the peak he sees a demon locust. Keesh has no idea what it is and continues cautiously. The demon locust doesn't move. Kreesh has made it to the peak and sees the hole in the magic barrier, just like he had been told. After passing through the barrier Kreesh sees a wild looking human crouched on some very uncomfortable looking rocks. Kreesh decides to announce his presence and the human seems startled. They both seem to be pretty weary of each other. The human introduces himself, "I am Runick." The Dolphin does the same, "Kreesh." Runick gets around to talking about the magic barrier and the journey they are making. Kreesh says he just crossed it's right up top. Runick and Kreesh see a power armor land not to far from them and then take off again. They decide to walk toward it when Runick suggest it may be one of his party members.
The four party members that had gone back down the mountain decided if they hiked horizontally across the mountain a ways they may be able to avoid the demon locust all together. Trevor, using the power armor Oliver had helped him retrieve, flies Frank and Oliver up the mountain. On his second trip he brings Takeo. By the time he gets back from the second trip Runick and Kreesh have joined Frank and Oliver and had begun introductions. Kreesh sings a song of joy when he meets the party. mentions his quest and how he is going to see the Emperor. Takeo tells Kreesh the Emperor is evil and of the quest he has been on to kill demons and get out to the 5th ring, Kreesh won't believe the Emperor is evil. The other need to try to convince him. Finally Kreesh believes them and agrees to show them the way he came and help them defeat the Evil Emperor if need be. Only if they agree to help him find the Real Emperor and/or help him defeat the Lord of the Deep. The party agrees, they were planning on killing the evil emperor why not restore the rightful emperor.
Kreesh leads the party back up the mountain to the hole in the 2nd ring barrier at the peak. They then begin to travel down the mountain and encounter the other locust. The one Kreesh passed on his way here the others stop and tell Kreesh they can't pass with out being attacked. Runick casts water shield on Kreesh, so Kreesh turns into dolphin form in front of the party. Kreash and Runick go over to the locust and attempt to distract it, since it doesn't seem to want to attack either of them. Keesh begins singing to the locust while Runick hums off key. The locust doesn't seem amused but they manage to get its attention. The others prowl down the mountain past the locust line of sight as quickly as possible. While they are climbing down both Takeo and Oliver slip on the loose rocks and fall of the side of the mountain.
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Photo Source: https://www.tumblr.com/search/wingsuit |
Frank uses his super telekinesis to catch Takeo and Oliver, and gradually sets them down on the ground. Trevor fires up the Power Armor and flies Frank down as he hold the other two with his super telekinesis. Once the rest of the party is flown down, they begin to follow the path that Kreesh took to get get here. They party begins to enter the woods beyond the base of the mountain when they encounter a small clan of 17 surra-kappa as they appear to be fleeing something. The party tries to ask them what the panic is, they explain they've been attacked by a large demon not native to Japan. And they only wish to go home, they need to return to the water, they claim. The party talks so long that a large balrog comes stomping through the woods. The balrog sees the party, "Who dares trespass on my land?" Takeo says, "I am Takeo Takahido Demon Queller." The balrog takes a step back (Horror Factor fail), "I've heard of you and your group of travelers. I thought you were in the 2nd ring. Wait til they know your here." and the balrog says an incantation and teleports away.
The surra-kappa lead the party back to the shoreline. Kreesh tells the party the the path through the 3rd ring barrier is out in the middle of the lake, and jumps in the water turning into a dolphin. Kreesh tells the party he senses predators. Runick parts waters, around the two aquatics demons the Kreesh was sensing, and crushes them with the force of the water when it's released. The rest of the party tell Kreesh they can't swim the whole way. Kreesh offers to build them a boat. Runick helps Kreesh with the boat, while the rest of the party spend some time trying to teach other some useful skills. As they wait a scouting party of four alu demon hounds comes up on the traveling adventures. Kreesh sees them an immediately begins to sing his song of joy. Three of the alu demon hounds are immediately repelled by the majestic harmony of this ocean wizard's song.
Kressh then takes his trident an spears the one brave alu demon hound through the head with such force, he stands there suspending the alu demon in the air hanging from his trident. The party gazes in awe, then quickly get into the finished boat and leave to avoid any other demons that may be summoned by the three that ran off. They go to the hole in the barrier, along the way Kreesh manages to scare off 4 aquatics demons with his song of joy. They party sails the boat through the 3rd magic barrier. Just as Kreesh told them before, they see a massive lake with no land near by. Kreesh tells them he will lead the way to the next barrier. As they are traveling the boat is attacked by a giant squid. It rams the boat and entangles it, threatening to sink it. Those in the party who can swim, jump in to fight the giant squid. hey defeat it, but not before it crushes in one side of the boat causing it to take on water. Kreesh holds up the boat as he swims it over to the nearest shore, which takes a couple hours. They arrive on shore and decide to camp for the night and try to repair the boat. They can't seem to find sufficient supplies to fix it.
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Photo Source: http://www.australiangeographic.com.au/news /2013/03/mystery-slime-found-in-nullarbor-cave-system/ |
In the morning they decide that the boat is good enough if Trevor will hold it up with the power armor as not to exhaust Kreesh, or leave him vulnerable. Trevor follows Kreesh to the magic barrier. Kreesh tells them here is where they must travel through a series of underwater caverns and tunnels to come out on the other side of the barrier. The party worries that they can't hold their breath long enough. Kreesh tells them there are caves with air pockets and even dry land along the way. The party thanks their luck, as many of them were taught a valuable magic spell by the monks (keepers of the air element) at the millennium tree monastery. Some of the party members learned an even more rare martial arts technique. The party pairs up swimmers with non-swimmers and they go underwater. The party travels trough three different tunnels stopping to recast and rest at the air pockets. They reach an under water cave and decide to camp for the day and recharge their magic essence. While camping the party begin to hear a very familiar scratching noise in the walls around them. Immediately Frank shouts, "Ghouls!" and the party arms themselves and prepare to fight. Kreesh begins to sing his magic song of joy. The scratching noises seem to stop. Kreesh tells the party he thinks that should keep them away for awhile.
When the party is rested they decide to continue, but first Keesh goes to scout out ahead. Hes finds three sharks down the path. He sings his song of joy and scares two of them away but one charges him. Keesh uses sonic blasts to kill the shark, then he goes back for the rest of the party. The party then puts their magic and swimming abilities to the test and push them to their limits. The party barely makes it out of the final stretch of underwater tunnel without drowning. Once on the other side of the 4th ring barrier the party swims to the nearest shore. Relieved to be above ground on land, the party decide to make camp on the shore line.
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